Criminal Justice Ph.D. Program Faculty Listing, Research Interests, and Scholarly Activity
Faculty Research Interests
Kevin Barnes-Ceeney, Ph.D.
CUNY John Jay College, 2013
Assistant Professor
Corrections, Reentry Risk Assessment and Case Management, Community Justice, Evidence-based Offender Programs, Action ResearchStephanie Bonnes, Ph.D
University of Colorado, Boulder, 2018
Assistant Professor
My scholarship broadly focuses on gender and race at the intersections of victimization, identity, inequality, and organizations. My current work explores sexual harassment and assault in the U.S. military.William H. Carbone, MPA
University of New Haven, 1974
Senior Lecturer, Executive Director of Justice Programs and of the Tow Youth Justice Insitute
Juvenile Justice, Reduction of Mass IncarcerationGiovanni Circo, Ph.D.
Michigan State University, 2018
Assistant Professor
Policing, Police legitimacy, Gun violence, Quantitative methodsMichael J. Clark, M.A.
Seton Hall University, 1981
Senior Lecturer
White Collar Crime, Public Corruption Investigations, Advanced Investigative Techniques, and Interviewing and InterrogationKendell Coker, Ph.D., J.D.
J.D., Loyola University Chicago School of Law 2012
Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University, 2007
Associate Professor
Juvenile Justice, Racial Disparities in CJ System, ViolenceDanielle T. Cooper, Ph.D., CPP
University of Florida, 2015
Certified Prevention Professional (certified by FL and CT Certification Boards)
Associate Professor, Director of Research of the Tow Youth Justice Institute
Substance Abuse & Delinquency Prevention, Youths and Young Adults, Sex Offending/ Sexual Deviance, Public Policy & Reform Efforts, Social in(Justice)John DeCarlo, Ph.D.
CUNY Graduate Center, 2010
Associate Professor, Director of the M.S. Criminal Justice Program
Policing Methodologies, Police System Organization, Eyewitness Memory, Policing Efficacy and Management StrategiesLeila B. Dutton, Ph.D.
University of Rhode Island, 2004
Stalking and Unwanted Pursuit, Partner ViolenceKenneth Gray, M.P.S.
University of Connecticut, 2008
Detection of Deception, Interviews and Interrogations, Crisis Management, Intelligence and TerrorismDeclan Hill, Ph.D.
University of Oxford, 2008
Associate Professor
Organized Crime, Mafia studies, Informal Government by Criminal and Terrorist Groups, International Sport, Corruption as the Normal, Match-Fixing, Sports Gambling, Espionage and InvestigationsDaniel K. Maxwell, MPA, M.S.
University of New Haven, 1994
Distinguished Lecturer
Law Enforcement and Police Work, Investigations and Issues in the Security FieldDavid Myers, Ph.D.
University of Maryland, 1999
Professor, Criminal Justice Department Chair
Criminal Justice Policy, Planning, and Evaluation, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, Crime and Delinquency Prevention, Research Methods and Quantitative AnalysisMirlinda Ndrecka, Ph.D.
University of Cincinnati, 2014
Associate Professor
Reentry Programs, Correctional Theory, Correctional Program Assessment, Risk Assessment, Criminological Theory, Substance Abuse OffendersMartin O'Connor, J .D.
University of Connecticut, 1981
M.Div. Yale University, 2002
Associate Professor
Criminal Justice Ethics, Historical Issues in Criminal JusticeMatthew Schmidt, Ph.D.
Georgetown University, 2011
Associate Professor
Strategic Decision Making, Former Soviet Union, Terrorism, MilitaryDavid A. Schroeder, Ph.D.
CUNY John Jay College, 2007
Associate Professor, Interim Dean
Investigations, Homicide, Tolerance, Pluralism, DiversityChristopher M. Sedelmaier, Ph.D.
Rutgers University, 2003
Professor, Assistant Director of the Ph.D. Criminal Justice Program
Crime Prevention, Transit Systems and Crime, Environmental Criminology, Routine Activity Theory, Rational Choice Theory, and Crime AnalysisHoward Stoffer, Ph.D.
Columbia University, 1980
Associate Professor
American National Security, Nuclear Arms Control, Counter-Terrorism Institutions of the United NationsTracy L. Tamborra, Ph.D.
City University of New York, 2008
Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Race, Class and Gender Issues in Criminal JusticeMaria Tcherni-Buzzeo, Ph.D.
SUNY Albany, 2011
Associate Professor, Director of the Ph.D. Criminal Justice Program
Structural and Biosocial Causes of Violence/ Homicide, Childhood Poverty and Family Violence, Crime Trends and Patterns, Research Design/Methods, Data Analysis, Testing Theories of CrimeDavid W. Webb, Ph.D.
Sam Houston State University, 2007
Distinguished Lecturer, Director of the Center for Advanced Policing -
Journal Articles, Books, & Book Chapters
Barnes-Ceeney, K. & Hoffman, L (2020).Evaluation Brief: Midline study findings of juvenile justice reform implementation in Guyana. Washington, D.C.: USAID.
Barnes-Ceeney, K. & Hoffman, L (2020). Evaluation Brief: Midline study findings of juvenile justice reform implementation in St. Kitts and Nevis. Washington, D.C.: USAID.
Barnes-Ceeney, K. & Hoffman, L (2020). Evaluation Brief: Midline study findings of juvenile justice reform implementation in St. Lucia. Washington, D.C.: USAID.
Barnes-Ceeney, K.(2020). Evaluation of juvenile justice sector reform in St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis and Guyana. USAID: Washington, D.C.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., Leitch, L., & Gideon, L.(2019). Reconciliation potential of Rwandans convicted of genocide. International Journal of Restorative Justice, 2(2), 260-287.
Gideon, L., & Barnes-Ceeney, K., (2019). Survey Research. In J. Morin, C. Olsson and E. Atikcan (Eds.), Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An A-Z of Key Concepts. Oxford University Press.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., (2018). Building organizational and staff capacities to reduce violence: The development and implementation of risk assessment and case management approaches in Jamaica. Inter-American Development Bank: Washington, D. C.
Mellow, J., & Barnes-Ceeney, K., (2017). Key factors to promote successful comprehensive reentry initiatives. Federal Probation, 81(3), 22-31.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., (2016). Developing social work in Kazakhstan: A case study. In S. Hick (Ed.). Social work in Canada: An introduction.Toronto, Canada: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Bonnes, S. (2020). Service-women’s responses to sexual harassment: The importance of identity work and masculinity in a gendered organization. Violence Against Women, 26(12-13), 1656-1680.
Bonnes, S. (2017). The bureaucratic harassment of US servicewomen. Gender & Society, 316(6), 804-829.
Bonnes, S. , & Jacobs, J.(2017). Gendered representations of apartheid: The women’s jail museum at constitution hill. Museum and Society, 15(2), 153-170.
Eigenberg, H., Bonnes, S., & Belknap, J. (2017). “Managing the backlash,” In C. Kaukinen, M. Hughes Miller, & R. Powers (Eds.), Addressing violence against women on college campuses. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Bonnes, S., & Palmer, J. (forthcoming). The U.S. Marine Corps’ response to intimate partner sexual violence: An analysis of the family advocacy program and the sexual assault prevention and response program. Armed Forces and Society.
Circo, G. M., Krupa, J. M., McGarrell, E., & De Biasi, A. (2020). Focused deterrence and program fidelity: Evaluating the impact of Detroit Ceasefire. Justice Evaluation Journal, [online first].
Circo, G. M., Krupa, J. M., McGarrell, E., & De Biasi, A. (2020). Focused deterrence and program fidelity: Evaluating the impact of Detroit Ceasefire. Justice Evaluation Journal, [online first].
Circo, G. M., Krupa, J. M., McGarrell, E., & De Biasi, A. (2020). The individual-level deterrent effect of “call-in” meetings on time to re-arrest. Crime & Delinquency, 66(11), 1630-1651.
Circo, G. M., & Wheeler, A. P. (2020). Trauma center drive time distances and fatal outcomes among gunshot wound victims. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, [online first].
Circo, G. M., & McGarrell, E (2020). Estimating the impact of an integrated CCTV program on crime. Journal of Experimental Criminology, [online first].
Circo, G. M. (2019). Distance to trauma centres among gunshot wound victims: identifying trauma ‘deserts’ and ‘oases’ in Detroit. Injury Prevention, 25(1), i39-i43.
Circo, G. M., Melde, C., & McGarrell, E. F. (2019). Fear, victimization, and community characteristics on citizen satisfaction with the police. Policing: An International Journal, 42(2), 179-194.
Dinwiddie, K., Zawadzki, S., Ristau, K., Luneburg, A. F., Earley, T. A., Ruiz, M., ... & Coker, K. L. (2020). A Sample of Predominately African American Domestic Violence Victims’ Responses to Objective Risk Assessments. Violence Against Women, 26(8), 870-888.
Hefner, K. R., Sollazzo, A., Mullaney, S., Coker, K. L., & Sofuoglu, M. (2019). E-cigarettes, alcohol use, and mental health: Use and perceptions of e-cigarettes among college students, by alcohol use and mental health status. Addictive Behaviors, 91, 12-20.
Pagan, B. T., Wyant, K., Chien, J., & Coker, K. L. (2019). Prevalence Rates of Acute Stress Disorder Symptomatology and Association to Juvenile Crime Involvement. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 47(1), 53-60.
Chien, J., Coker, K. L., Parke, S., Tejani, N., Sirken, R. A., Sanchez -Jaquez, C., Rausch, F., & Azeem, M. W. (2016). Predictors of Competency to Stand Trial in Connecticut’s Inpatient Juvenile Competency Restoration Program. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 44(4), 451-456.
Coker, K. L., Stefanovics, E., Rosenheck, R. (2016). Correlates of Improvement in Substance Abuse among Dually Diagnosed Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Specialized Intensive VA Treatment. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 8(1), 41-48.
Brooks, J. S., & Coker, K. L., (2016). Overview of the Juvenile Justice System and Best Practices. In T. Masson (ed.), Inside Forensic Psychology (Ch. 12). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers.
Wiedeman, A. M., Black, J. A., Dolle, A. L., Finney, E. J., & Coker, K. L. (2015). Factors Influencing the Impact of Aggressive and Violent Media on Children and Adolescents. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 25, 191-198.
Russell, A. A., Johnson, C. L., Hammad, A., Ristau, K. I., Zawadzki, S., Alba Villar, L. D., & Coker, K. L. (2015). Prenatal and Neighborhood Correlates of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 32(4), 375-381.
Sylwestrzak, A., Overholt, C. E., Ristau, K. I., & Coker, K. L. (2015). Self-Reported Barriers to Treatment Engagement: Adoles- cent Perspectives from the National Comorbidity Survey- Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A). Community Mental Health Journal, 51(7), 775-781
Klein, J. L. and Cooper, D. T. (2019). “Punitive attitudes toward sex offenders: Do moral panics cause community members to be more punitive?” Criminal Justice Policy Review, 30(6), 948-968.
Cooper, D. T. and Klein, J.L. (2018). Raise the Age Legislation as a Prevention Approach to Address Mass Incarceration. In Huebner and Frost (eds.). Chapter in DCS Handbook on Corrections and Sanctions. SAGE Publications.
Cooper, D. T. (2018). Second Chance Act. In Worley and Worley (eds.) Invited chapter for inclusion in Lockdown Nation: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends in American Prisons. ABC-CLIO Publications.
Klein, J. L. and Cooper, D. T. (2018). “Deviant cyber-sexual activities in young adults: exploring prevalence and predictions using in-person sexual activities and social learning theory.” Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(2), 619-630.
Cooper, D. T., & Klein, J. L. (2018). Examining college students’ differential deviance: A partial test of social structure-social learning theory. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 28(5), 602-622.
Cooper, D. T., & Klein, J. L. (2017). “College students’ online pornography use: Contrasting general and specific structural variables with social learning variables”. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43(1), 551-569.
Cooper, D. T. (2017). Death Row. In Kerley, Copes, De Li, Lane, and Sharp (eds.) Invited chapter for inclusion in Encyclopedia of Corrections. SAGE Publications.
Cooper, D. T. (2017). Substance Use among Inmates. In Kerley, Copes, De Li, Lane, and Sharp (Eds.) Invited chapter for inclusion in Encyclopedia of Corrections. SAGE Publications.
Klein, J. L., & Cooper, D. T. (2017). Sex Offenders and Reintegration. Carter and Marcum (Eds.) Chapter in Female Offenders and Reentry: Pathways and Barriers to Returning to Society. SAGE Publications.
Klein, J. L., & Cooper, D. T. (2017). Do perceptions of statutory rape vary based on offender and victim pairings? Testing the effects of race and gender. Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 13(1), 33-50.
Klein, J. L., & Cooper, D. T. (2016). “Trial by error: A content analysis of the media coverage surrounding the Jerry Sandusky trial”. Justice Policy Journal, 13(1), 1-29.
DeCarlo, J., Jenkins, M.J., & Dlugolenski, E. (2021). Introduction to Police Science. Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Kassin, S., Lawson, V., Kuchuka, J. & DeCarlo, J. (2016). Police reports of mock suspect interrogations: A test of accuracy and perception. Law & Human Behavior, Online First, 1-15.
Grant, H. B., Lavery, C. F., & DeCarlo, J. (2019). An exploratory study of police officers: low compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2793.
Kassin, S. M., Kukucka, J., Lawson, V. Z., & DeCarlo, J. (2017). Police reports of mock suspect interrogations: A test of accuracy and perception. Law and Human Behavior, 41(3), 230-243.
Kassin, S. M., Kukucka, J., Lawson, V. Z., & DeCarlo, J. (2017). On the accuracy of and perceptions elicited by police reports of suspect interrogations. Law and Human Behavior, 41, 230-243.
DeCarlo, J., & Webb, D. W. (2016). Police education and training: A comparative study. U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office.
DeCarlo, J., Sedelmaier, C. M., & Morris, D. (2016). Community mediation and police. U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office.
DeCarlo, J., & Jenkins, M. (2015). Labor Unions, Management Innovation and Organizational Change in Police Departments. Springer Publishing.
Hill, D., Rasmussen, C., Vittorio, M., & Myers, D. L. (2020). Red-flagging the leagues: The US Sports most in danger from match-fixing. Sport in Society, 1-19.
Cabot, A., Manteris, A., Hill, D., Sutcliffe, M., & Mintas, L. (2018). Sports integrity roundtable discussion. Gaming Law Review, 22(8), 485-496.
Hill, D. (2016). Why sport is losing the war to match-fixers. Global corruption report: Sport, 231-235.
Hill, D. (2015). Jumping into fixing. Trends in Organized Crime, 18(3), 212-228.
Hill, D. (2013). The insider's guide to match-fixing in football. Toronto: Anne McDermid & Associates Limited.
Haigh, C. B., Kringen, A. L., & Kringen, J. A. (2020). Mental illness stigma: Limitations of crisis intervention team training. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 31(1), 42-57.
Kringen, A., & Novich, M. (2019). Sexual harassment and discrimination. In C. Rabe-Hemp et al. (Eds.) Women Policing across the Globe: Shared Challenges and Successes in the Integration of Women Police Worldwide, 163-174.
Kringen, A. L. (2019). Evaluating Analysis and Results Sections: Mixed Methods Research. In F. Pyrczak & M. Tcherni-Buzzeo, Evaluating Research in Academic Journals: A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation, 140-153.
Kringen, A. L. & Novich, M. (2018). Is it "just hair" or is it "everything"? Embodiment and gender repression in policing. Gender, Work, and Organization, 25(2), 195-213.
Novich, M., Kringen, A. L., & Hunt, G. (2018). “They Can’t Search Her”: How Gender Imbalances in the Police Force Contribute to Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness. Feminist Criminology, 13(3), 260-286.
Kringen, A. L. & Kringen, J. A. (2017). Outside the Academy: Learning Community Policing through Community Engagement. Ideas in American Policing.
Cowell, B.M. & Kringen, A. L. (2017). Research in Brief: Leveraging Foot Patrol to Strengthen Community-Police Relations. Police Chief, 14-15.
Kringen, A. L. (2016). Examining the Role of Civil Service Commissions on Municipal Police Diversity. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 27(5), 480-497.
Cowell, B. & Kringen, A. L. (2016). Engaging Communities One Step at a time. Police Foundation, Washington, DC.
Kringen, A. L., & Kringen, J. A. (2015). Identifying Barriers to Black Applicants in Police Employment Screening. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 9(1), 15-25.
Kringen, J. A., Sedelmaier, C. M., & Dlugolenski, E. (2020). Foot Patrol: The Impact of Continuity, Outreach, and Traditional Policing Activities. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 14(1), 218-227.
Corradini, M., Kringen, J.A., Simich, L., Berberich, K., & Emigh, M. (2018). Operation Streamline: No evidence that criminal prosecution deters migration. New York, NY: Vera Institute of Justice.
Kringen, J. A., Blair, J. P., & Emigh, M. (2018). Pedagogical issues in criminal justice: Often-ignored problems with null hypothesis significance testing. ACJS Today, 43(3), 13-22.
Kringen, J. A., Sedelmaier, C. M., & Elink-Schuurman-Laura, K. (2016). Assessing the Relevance of Statistics and Crime Analysis Courses for Working Crime Analysts. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Online First.
Regan, J. M., & Myers, D. L. (2020). Enhancing Community Safety through Urban Demolition: An Exploratory Study of Detroit, Michigan. Justice Policy Journal, 17(1), 1-24.
Spencer, M., Anderson, J. A., & Myers, D. L. (2020). Supervision of the domestic violence offender: an exploratory study. Criminal Justice Studies, 33(2), 113-134.
Daty, T., Myers, D., & Kringen, J. A. (2018). Newhallville Safe Neighborhood Initiative: Progress Report. Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant.
Earl, K. J., & Myers, D. L. (2018). An Evaluation of “Transforming Youth Justice: A Leadership Development Program”. Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services, 21(4), 161-193.
Jeffries, S. R., Myers, D. L., Kringen, J. A., & Schack, R. (2019). Evaluating Project Safe Neighborhoods in Connecticut: A youth opportunity initiative. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 21(4), 325-345.
Myers, D. L. (2017). Deterrence, as Delinquency Policy. In Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice, Wiley Black- well: Hoboken, NJ.
Myers, D. L. (2016). Transferring Juveniles to Adult Court: Ongoing Search for Scientific Support. Criminology & Public Policy, 16(3), 927-938.
Myers, D. L. (2015). Using Evidence to Benefit Practice: Evidence-Based Criminal Justice. In Criminology and Criminal Justice for the Curious: Why Study Criminal Justice? The Curious Academic Publishing.
Myers, D. L., Lee, D. R., & Giever, D. M. (Summer 2020). Using Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships to Enhance Evidence-Based Probation Services. National Association of Probation Executives: Executive Exchange
Myers, D. L., Lee, D. R., & Giever, D. M. (2019). Evaluation Results from the Somerset County Day Reporting Center. EBP Quarterly, 4(2).
Jeffries, S. R., Myers, D. L., Kringen, J. A., & Schack, R. (2019). Connecticut Project Safe Neighborhoods 2016: A Youth Opportunity Initiative. EBP Quarterly, 4(1).
Myers, D. L. (2018). Book Review: The Evolution of the Juvenile Court: Race, Politics, and the Criminalizing of Juvenile Justice by Barry C. Feld. Theory in Action, 11(4)
Myers, D. L., Lee, D. R., & Giever, D. M. (2018). Second Chance in Action: A Case Study of Evidence-Based Approaches and a Researcher-Practitioner Partnership. EBP Quarterly, 3(1).
Ndrecka, M. (2020). Gender and white collar crime – implications for corrections research and practice. Criminal Justice Studies, 33(1), 70-78.
Ndrecka, M. (2018) What works in reentry programs: A meta-analysis. Published in>
Ndrecka, M., Listwan S., & Latessa E. (2017). What works in reentry and how to improve outcomes. In Stojkovic, S. (Ed.) Prisoner Reentry: Critical Issues and Policy Directions. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan Publishing.
Ndrecka, M. (2020). BJA – Second Chace Act: Statewide Recidivism Reduction Trainings and Activities Report. Prepared for the Connecticut Department of Corrections.
Ndrecka, M. (2019). Outcome Evaluation of the BJA Second Chance Act Two-Phase Adult Reentry Demonstration Program: Planning and Implementation: Local. New Haven Fresh Start Reentry Initiative. Prepared for the City of New Haven.
Ndrecka, M. (2018). Activities Report of the First Year of Implementation of the Statewide Recidivism Reduction Grant. Prepared for Connecticut Department of Corrections.
Ndrecka, M., & Zielinska, E. (2018). Process Evaluation of the BJA Second Chance Act Two-Phase Adult Reentry Demonstration Program: Planning and Implementation: Local. New Haven Fresh Start Reentry Initiative. Prepared for the City of New Haven.
Sedelmaier, C. M. (2015). "Wolves to the door" or "lambs to the slaughter?" Crime opportunity searches on a new public transport system. In Safety and Security in Transit Environments: An interdisciplinary Approach, V. Ceccato and A. Newton (Eds.), London: Palgrave.
Sedelmaier, C. M., & Gaboury, M. T. (2015). Administering a Victim Impact Curriculum to Inmates: A Multi-site Replication. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 28(2), 226-238.
Aktas, C. B., Whelan, R., Stoffer, H., Todd, E., & Kern, C. L. (2015). Developing a university-wide course on sustainability: A critical evaluation of planning and implementation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 106, 216-221.
Stanley, D., Pfeifer, H., Wasileski, G., & Tamborra, T. L. (2020). Prioritizing the Victim: The 21st Century Transformation of Victimology, 1st Edition. Kendall/Hunt Publishing.
Tamborra, T. L., Baker, AN., Jeffries, S., Tempio, M., & Campbell, E. (2019). Victimization experienced while studying abroad: An examination of rates and other relevant factors. Journal of Studies in International Education, 24(5), 573-588.
Dutton, L. B., Tamborra, T. L., & Narchet, F. M. (2018). Domestic violence agency personnel’s experiences with and perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program. Violence and Victims, 33(3), 417-435.
Dutton, L. B., Tamborra, T. L. & Pittman, M. (2017). Police officers’ and victim advocates’ experiences with and perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 30(7), 1023-1042.
Muzzica, R., Tamborra, T. L., & Amarelli, G. (2015). Emerging cultural conflicts in Italy: A challenge for criminal law. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 4, 141-153.
Tamborra, T. L. (2020). White liberal parents are also responsible for George Floyd’s death. New Haven Register, June 4, 2020.
Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2019). The "Great American Crime Decline": Possible explanations. In M.D. Krohn et al. (Eds.), Handbook on Crime and Deviance, 2nd ed. (pp. 309-335). New York, NY: Springer., M. (2018). Measuring juvenile crime to compare trends among U.S. states: Secondary data analysis. SAGE Research Methods Cases. 10.4135/9781526436962.
Pyrczak, F., & Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2018). Evaluating research in academic journals: A practical guide to realistic evaluation (7th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0815365662, M. (2018). Food for thought: Ideas for those teaching Criminology. ACJS Today, 43(2), 7-11.
Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2017). Final Progress Report: The effects of increased prescribing of psychotropic drugs to children and adolescents on trends in juvenile delinquency and violence: Empirical analysis using state-level panel data. Submitted to the National Institute of Justice, Grant Number: 2014-R2-CX-0003.
Gottschalk, P., & Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2017). Reasons for gaps in crime reporting: The case of white-collar criminals investigated by private fraud examiners in Norway. Deviant Behavior, 38(3), 267-281.
Tcherni-Buzzeo, M., Davies, A., Lopes, G., & Lizotte, A. (2016). The dark figure of online property crime: Is cyberspace hiding a crime wave? Justice Quarterly, 33(5), 890-911.
Bystrova, E., & Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2015). Juvenile Justice in Russia. In M.D. Krohn & J. Lane (Eds.), The Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice (pp. 40-48). Wiley Publishers.
Denham, M., Robles-Pina, R., Polnick, B.E., & Webb, D. W. (2016). Expanding the Triad Model of School Policing. Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 37.
Ndrecka, M., Sedelmaier, C. M. (2016-2021) BJA Second Chance Act Statewide – Adult Recidivism Reduction Implementation Program.
Carbone, W. H. TYJI (2020) OJJDP Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities through Local and Statewide Strategies.
Cooper, D. T., Boyd, L. TYJI (2020) Hartford Foundation for Greater Giving – CT Institute for Youth and Police Relations.
Carbone, W. H., Cooper. D. T. TYJI (2019) OJJDP Achieving Positive Youth Outcomes for Safer and Healthier Communities.
Cooper, D. T. TYJI (2019) Connecticut Health Campus Initiative.
Kringen, J. A., Myers, D. (2019) Evaluation of a non-profit.
Kringen, J. A. (2018) Evaluation of Specialty Courts in CT.
Carbone, W. H. TYJI (2016) CT Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee.
Carbone, W. H. (2016) Tow Foundation-Youth Justice Institute.
Carbone, W. H. (2016) Restorative Justice Practices Project.
DeCarlo, J., Sedelmaier, C., Jenkins, M. (2016) COPS Police Leadership.
Kringen, J. A. (2016) DOJ Project Safe Neighborhoods.
Kringen, J. A., Kringen, A. L., Myers, D., Barnes-Ceeney, K., Circo, G. (2016) Evaluating the Impact of Quality Assurance in Community Corrections, Community Solutions, Inc.
Lambert, D. (2016) CT Project Longevity.
Ndrecka, M., Sedelmaier, C. M. (2016-2021) BJA Second Chance Act Statewide – Adult Recidivism Reduction Implementation Program.
Sedelmaier, C. M., DeCarlo, J., Jenkins, M. (2016) Enhancing Community Policing – COPS (Mediation).
Carbone, W. H. TYJI (2015) Transforming Youth Justice Leadership Training.
Carbone, W. H. (2015) Community Supervision Strategic Planning.
Coker, K. L. (2015) Code of the Streets Intervention as part of Cook County Juvenile Probation Detention Reduction Program.
Cooper, D. T. (2015) Black Young Adults' Deferential & Defiant. Decision-Making during Traffic Stops.
DeCarlo, J. (2015) South Norwalk Against Crime BCJI P1.
Ndrecka, M. (2015) BJA Second Chance Act Statewide.
Ndrecka, M. (2015-2019) New Haven Fresh Start Reentry Initiative.
Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2015) DOJ NIJ Data Resources Program.
Schroeder, D. (2014) Impact of Forensic Evidence on Arrest.
Faculty Spotlights
Stephanie Bonnes won the 2020 Sage Publications Teaching Innovation Award. In addition, she has published a piece in the Washington Post exploring the pervasive problem of sexual harassment in the military in light of Vanessa Guillén's murder. Stephanie also discussed her research on the Talking Research Podcast.
Kevin Barnes-Ceeney is engaged in co-facilitating Train the Trainer training in the Social Resilience Model (SRM) in Boston, MA, and Dayton, OH. SRM is a skills-based attentional approach to managing stress, distress, and trauma. In addition, he is working on a survey of juvenile delinquency and young adult recidivism in Guyana. He is involved in an evaluation of juvenile justice reform efforts in St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and Guyana.
Danielle Tolson Cooper is the Director of Research for the Tow Youth Justice Institute (TYJI). Her duties include service to the Juvenile Justice and Policy Oversight Committee that mandates research on juvenile justice reform in the state of Connecticut. She oversees TYJI research projects while working with faculty, staff, students, and consultants. Current youth justice projects directed by her include: “A Multi-Level Examination of Health, Housing, and Education Indicators for DCF/Justice-Involved Youths and Young Adults”, the “Connecticut Institute for Youth and Police Relations”, and "Achieving Positive Youth Outcomes Creating Safer and Healthier Communities".
David Myers has been an editor of ACJS Today since July 2017. In addition, he is also an editor of Routledge Studies in Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, editor and columnist for EBP Quarterly, and a member of the editorial boards of Criminal Justice Policy Review and Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. He serves as President of the Association of Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice, a subject matter expert for the Crime & Justice Research Alliance, and is a certified reviewer for and the OJJDP Model Programs Guide.
Mirlinda Ndrecka works with many correctional agencies that seek to implement evidence-based policies. In the last few years, she has served as the research partner on two BJA Second Chance Act grants. She partnered with the City of New Haven to evaluate the pilot project of a reentry initiative. Currently, she is collaborating with the CT Department of Corrections (DOC) in restructuring parole services as part of a Statewide Recidivism Reduction five-year grant.
Recent Conference Presentations
Barnes-Ceeney, K. (March 11, 2020). Pathways to Violence Prevention: Evidence for Transformation, "Case Management". Inter American Development Bank, Kingston, Jamaica.
Geyer, P., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (November 16, 2019). A Movable “Eye in the Sky”? SkyWatch Surveillance Towers as a Panoptic Deterrent Apparatus. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco.
Earl, K., Geyer, P. (Author), & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (November 15, 2019). Drunken Boaters: An Analysis of BUI Arrests & Alcohol-Related Boating Deaths in Connecticut. American Society of Criminology, San Francisco.
Nolterieke, L. & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2019, November 13). Developing an understanding of juvenile delinquency in St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis. Paper presented at the 71st meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., & Gideon, L. (2019, May 29). Designing, implementing and validating a violence risk assessment and case management system in Jamaica. Paper presented at the Bi-Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Criminology, Jerusalem, Israel.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., Leitch, L., Gideon, L., & Yasuhara, K. (2018, November 14). The role of recovery capital in successful reentry and reintegration: Lessons from Rwanda. Paper presented at the 70th meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Davis-Day, T., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2018, November 16). Explorations in the carceral archipelago: Attitudes towards drug testing in criminal justice and non-criminal settings. Paper presented at the 70th meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Novo, A., Barnes-Ceeney, K., & Virgulto, D. (2018, November 16). How to pass a probation urine test. Paper presented at the 70th meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., Leitch, L., & Gideon, L. (2018, July 20). Building Individual and Community Resilience through Global Health Literacy: Responding to the Trauma, Somatic, and Mental Health Needs of Incarcerated Genocide Perpetrators in Rwanda. Paper presented at the XIX International Sociological Association’s World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, Canada.
Ma, L., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2017). Assessing Violence Risk in the Caribbean: The Validity of the Jamaican Risk Assessment Screening Document for Youth and Adults. Paper presented at the 69th meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA
Kutcher, S., & Barnes-Ceeney, K. (2017). The Influence of Social Supports on Youth Violence Risk in Jamaica. Paper presented at the 69th meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., Gideon, L., & Leitch, L. (2017, May 17). Reconciliation and Reintegration after Genocide: Understanding the Needs of Incarcerated Genocide Perpetrators in Rwanda. Paper presented at the Bi-Annual Meeting of the Israeli Society of Criminology, Jerusalem, Israel.
Barnes-Ceeney, K., Gideon, L., & Leitch, L. (2017, January 12). The Strengths and Challenges Faced By Incarcerated Genocide Perpetrators: Supporting Reconciliation in Rwanda. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Circo, G. (2019). Evaluating the Detroit Ceasefire: A Synthetic Control Approach. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Circo, G. (2018). Spatial Patterns of Gun Violence. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Circo, G. (2019). Project Green Light Detroit. Invited talk given to Strategies for Police Innovation. Arlington, VA.
Circo, G. (2017). Risk Terrain Modeling and Quasi-Experimental Study Design. Invited Talk given to Project Safe Neighborhoods Research Partner Orientation Course. Denver, CO.
Circo, G. (2017). Examining Gun Crime Micro-Place Hotspots. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Cooper, D. T. (2020). Inclusive Strategies to Increase Trust, Collaboration, And Participation in Campus Climate Surveys. Session presented at the New England Educational Assessment Network Fall Forum, Online due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Garrett, D., and Cooper, D. T. (2020). RED among Youth in Connecticut: A Multi-City Examination of Successes and Challenges for Front-End Diversion. Paper presented at the Black Doctoral Network Annual Conference, Online due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Cooper, D. T., and Garrett, D.* (2020). A Qualitative Assessment of Diversionary Services Offered to Connecticut’s Youth through Juvenile Review Board. Paper accepted for presentation at the 46th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. Conference canceled due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Cooper, D. T. (2019). Amplifying Community Voices in Advocacy through Your Research. Workshop presented at the Black Doctoral Network Annual Conference, Newark, New Jersey.
Cooper, D. T., and Ma, L. (2019). Public Attitudes and Juvenile Justice Policy Reform in Connecticut: A Survey on Truancy and Status Offenses. Paper presented at the 45th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Bailey, D., Klein, J.L., Cooper, D. T., and Sample, L. (2019). Examining the Economic Impact of the Sex Offender Registry on Registrants. Paper presented at the 45th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Cooper, D. T., Ma, L.*, Giarrusso, S.*, Jeffries, S.*, Rakowicz, A.*, Smith, A. *, Cole, A. *, and O’Neale, T.* (2019). Decriminalization of Status Offenses in Connecticut: A Discussion of Data and Youth Justice Policy Reforms. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Rivers, Y., and Cooper, D. T. (2019). Mindset and Developmental Math: An Embedded Curricular Approach to Demystifying and Illuminating Mathematical Ideas. Paper presented at the Joint Mathematics Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Cooper, D. T., and Klein, J.L. (2018). “Raise the Age” Legislation as a Prevention Approach to Address Mass Incarceration. Paper presented at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Klein, J.L. Bailey, D., and Cooper, D. T. (2018). Perpetually Panicked: Testing the Community Attitudes toward Sex Offenders (CATSO) Scale. Paper presented at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Giarrusso, S. and Cooper, D. T. (2018). An Inventory of Juvenile Justice Curriculum in the Largest Criminal Justice/Criminology Programs in the US. Paper presented at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Jeffries, S., Giarrusso, S, Ma, L., Pierre, M., Coker, K., and Cooper, D. T. (2018). Examining Youth’s Confinement in State-Run Facilities through a Systematic Review of Videos and Incident Reports. Paper presented at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Ma, L. and Cooper, D. T. (2018). Examining Variations in US Educational Policies and Legislation Defining Truant and Chronically Absent Students. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Cooper, D. T., and Klein, J.L. (2017). Exploring Black Young Adults’ Decision-Making during a Traffic Stop. Paper presented at the 43rd American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Klein, J.L. and Cooper, D. T. (2017). Predictors of Black Young Adults’ Responses toward Police during a Disagreement. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Brito, G. and Cooper, D. T. (2017). Examining The Use of Truancy Models Addressing Chronic Absence in Schools Throughout the United States. Poster presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Pierre, M., Cooper, D. T., and Coker, K. (2017). Mental Health Symptoms, Delinquency, and Recidivism among Justice-Involved Minority Youths in Connecticut. Poster presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Jeffries, S., Cooper, D. T., and Coker, K. (2017). Examining Race and Recidivism among Connecticut Youth Formerly in Congregate Care. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Giarrusso, S., Cooper, D. T., and Coker, K. (2017). Investigating Racial Disparity Among Non-committed Juveniles Offenders Using Different Recidivism Time Periods. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Giarrusso, S. and Cooper, D. T. (2017). Discussing the Status of Juvenile Justice Education through Course Offerings and Concentrations. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Conference, Kansas City MO.
Cooper, D. T. (2017). Racial Identity Dimensions Predicting Black Young Adults’ Responses during Traffic Stops. Paper presented at the Black Doctoral Network Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Cooper, D. T., and Klein, J.L. (2016). Visiting Porn Sites Online: Contrasting the Predictive Value of Studying Personal Characteristics, In-person Activities, and the Social Learning Approach. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Klein, J.L., Cooper, D. T., and Pettiford, A.G. (2016). In the Face of Perceived Sexual Victimization: Why Some People Comply with Stop and Frisk Searches. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Cooper, D. T. (2016). Young Adults’ Defiance towards the Police: An Integrated Social Learning Approach. Paper presented at the Black Doctoral Network Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Cooper, D. T., and Klein, J.L. (2016). Social Learning Processes Predicting Young Adults' Defiant Responses to Parents, Teachers, Supervisors, and the Police. Paper presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Cooper, D. T., and Klein, J.L. (2015). Keeping it 100: Investigating the Emphasis of Sexual Behaviors and Drugs Use in the Billboard Charts. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Klein, J.L. and Cooper, D. T. (2015). Stop and Frisk: Compliance and Perceptions of Sexual Assault. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
DeCarlo, J. (2018). The Effect of IQ on Police Selection. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
DeCarlo, J., & Markovic, V. (2017). Performance Enhancement in Policing. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO.
Dutton, L. B., & Ndrecka, M. (2018). Validation of a Domestic Violence Risk Assessment Tool. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Dutton, L. B., Tamborra, T., & Pittman, M. (2016). Police officers’ experiences with and perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Dutton, L. B., Tamborra, T., & Pittman, M. (2016). Police officers’ and victim advocates’ experiences with and perceptions of the Lethality Assessment Program. International Family Violence and Child Victimization Conference, Portsmouth, NH.
Kringen, A. L., & Novich, M. (2019). Sexual Harassment and Discrimination: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Greenberg, K., Yu, T., Lasasso, T., Zielinska, E., & Kringen, A. L. (2019). Deconstructing Police Departments' Personnel Policies: Challenges to Recruiting Women. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Kringen, A. L. (2018). Women’s Perceptions of Policing Careers: Understanding Recruiting Challenges. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Allen, I., & Kringen, A. L. (2018). Service Members’ Perceptions of DoD Sexual Assault Prevention Programs: Effective Components and Training Deficiencies. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Novich, M., Kringen, A. L., & Hunt, G. (2017). They Can’t Search Her: How Gender Imbalance on the Police Force Contributes to Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Kringen, J. A., Uchida, C. D., Solomon, S., Connor, C., & Wooditch, A. (2018). Crime Prediction in Context: Evaluating Prediction Processes as Decision Support Tools. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Vaughan, T. J., Kringen, J. A., & Felson, M. (2017). Nights out as a predictor of daytime vs. evening vs. nighttime victimizations. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Hayton, A., Elink-Schuuman-Laura, K., & Kringen, J. A. (2016). Residents’ Perceptions About a Community’s Inability to Reduce Crime and Disorder. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
David, M., Kringen, J. A., & Sellers, C. (2016). A Behavioral- Opportunity Model for School Safety. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Kringen, J. A. (2016). Using Agent-Based Simulation to Understand the Efficacy of School Safety Practices in in Active Shooter Events. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Myers, D. L. (2019). An Evaluation of Federal Support Court in Connecticut. New England Association of Drug Court Professionals Conference, Marlborough, MA.
Myers, D. L., & Dule, J. (2019). Sentencing Outcomes in a Federal Specialty Court. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Earl, K., & Myers, D. L. (2019). An Evaluation of a Juvenile Justice Leadership Development Program. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
Myers, D. L., Dule, J., Earl, K., Wang, M., & Daty, T. (2018). An Evaluation of Federal Support Courts in Connecticut. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Lee, D., Myers, D. L., & Giever, D. (2018). Reentry in a Rural Setting: Evaluating Evidence-Based Practices. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Myers, D. L., Giever, D., & Lee, D. (2018). Second Chance Act in Action: Smart Supervision in a Rural Pennsylvania County. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Myers, D. L. (2017). Evidence-Based School Safety: Establishing Effective Research Partnerships. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Myers, D. L. (2016). Evidence-Based School Safety: Establishing Effective Research Partnerships. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Myers, D. L. (2016). Becoming an Evidence-Based Organization (EBO): Core Skills and Planning for Implementation. Joyfields Institute Workshops and Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Myers, D. L., Dennis G., &Lee D. (2017). Evidence-Based Corrections and Reentry in a Rural Pennsylvania County. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO.
Ndrecka, M., & Sedelmaier, C. (2019). Effective Reentry: Experiences form a Statewide Recidivism Reduction Approach. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Ndrecka, M., & Sedelmaier, C. (2018). Predictive Validity of the LSI-R: An Examination Across Race and Gender. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Zielinska, E., Ndrecka, M., & Myers, D. L. (2018). Risk and Protective Factors for Radicalization of Individuals in the United States. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Ndrecka, M. (2017). Enabling Successful Reentry: Results from a Collaborative-Approach Reentry Program. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Ndrecka, M., & Kringen, A. L. (2017). Justice Reinvestment: A Review of the Existing Literature. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Ndrecka, M. & Kringen, A. L. (2016). Justice Reinvestment: A Review of the Existing Literature. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Schroeder D. A., & Emigh, M. (2017). The Role of Forensic Evidence in the Absence of Eyewitness Reports. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO.
Sedelmaier, C., & Ndrecka, M. (2017). Risk-Assessment, Race, And Recidivism: Examining for Potential Predictive Bias. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA.
Sedelmaier, C. M. (2016). Challenges and Solutions for Researching Community Perspectives. Summer 2016 Smart Policing Initiative Collaboration Workshop, Lowell, MA.
Tamborra, T. L., Dutton, L. B., & Narchet, F. M. (2019). Sexual assault and harassment experienced by females studying abroad: How priming, pre-departure attitudes, and protective factors relate to reported rates of victimization. Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Tamborra, T. L., Baker, A. N., & Jeffries, S. (2018). Victimization experienced while studying abroad: An examination of rates and other relevant factors. Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Tamborra, T. L., Smith, M., & Narchet, F. (2015). Does Adherence to Sexist Stereotypes, Sexual Assertiveness and Prior Sexual Victimization Predict Women’s Use of Sexual Refusal Tactics? Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2019). Natural experiments to reduce poverty: Implications for major criminological theories. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Cornet, L., & Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2019). The potential role of the gut-brain axis in criminal behavior. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Tcherni-Buzzeo, M. (2018). IDEA-mandated school services for children with disabilities as an important factor in juvenile violence declines. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Tcherni-Buzzeo, M., Spano, R., & O’Brien, D. (2016). The role of poverty in explaining crime. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
O’Brien, D., Tcherni-Buzzeo, M., & Spano, R. (2016). Operationalizing delinquency: An analysis of the most common methodologies used for criminological theory testing. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Tcherni, M. (2015). State-level changes in the mental health treatment of children and adolescents and juvenile delinquency outcomes. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Jeffries, S., & Tcherni, M. (2015). How changes in school accountability laws impact juvenile delinquency. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.